



真心求阿姆 Lose yourself 整篇歌词断句。

- -。。这首我【wǒ】不知道唱了多少遍了- -。以下【xià】是【shì】一边唱一边断【duàn】的(按【àn】照你希望的断句,比如一个音节拖得长【zhǎng】的话我也打了///符【fú】号,比如你【nǐ】提问里的【de】your///self,,还有以下【xià】斜杠的数量【liàng】不代【dài】表停顿时间长【zhǎng】短- -。。)

Look, if you had /// one shot,/// one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted////…One moment
Would you capture it //////or just let it slip?

His palm///s are sweaty,//// knees weak,/// arm///s are heavy //
There's vomit on his sweater already,///// mom's spaghetti//
He's nervous, ///but on the surface/ he looks calm//// and ready ///
To drop bom///bs, ///but he keeps on/// forgettin ///
What he wrote//// down, the whole crowd //goes// so loud //
He opens his mouth////, but the words ///won't come out//
He's chokin how//// everybody's jokin now//
The clock's run out, ///time's up/// over,bloah!//
Snap bac///k to reality, Oh/// there goes gravity///
Oh,/// there goes Rabbit, he choked///
He's so mad, but he won't ///give up that连下去
Is he? //No////
He won't have it ////, he knows//// his whole back city's ropes
///It don't/// matter, he's dope
He know///s that,// but he's broke//
He's so/// stacked //that he knows
When he goes// back to his mo///bile home, that's when it's//
Ba///ck to the lab again yo//
This whole// rap shit ///
He better go capture this moment and hope it don't pass him

You better lose your/self in the mu//sic, the mo//ment
You own/// it, you better never let it go
You only get one shot//, do not //miss your chance to blow
This opportunity //comes once/ in a lifetime yo

The soul's escaping//, through this hole// that it's gaping//
This wor/ld is mine for the taking//
Make me king,// as we move towar//d a, new wor//ld order //
A normal life is borin, //but superstar//dom's //close to post mortar//
It only grows har/der,// only grows ho//tter //
He blows us al//l over these ho//es is al//l on him//
Coast to coast //shows,// he's know// as the globetrotter//
Lonely roads, ///God only knows连下去
He's grow///n farther// from home, he's n//o father//
He goes home// and barely know//s his ow//n daughter//
But hold your nose/// cuz her//e //goes the cold water//
His bosses don't wa/nt him no mo///, he's cold product//
They moved on/// to the next schmoe //who flows/
He nose dove/// and sold na//da//
So the soa//p opera// is told an///d unfold///s I ///suppose it's old/// potna, but the beat// goes on(这里【lǐ】连读比【bǐ】较多)
Da da dum da dum da da

You better// lose your//self in the mu//sic, the mo//ment
You own// it, you better never let it go //
You only get one shot,///do not //miss your chance to blow
This opportunity// comes once// in a lifetime yo

No more games,// I'ma change/// what you call rage //
Tear this mothafuckin roof //off like 2 dogs caged //
I was playin/// in the beginnin, the mood all// changed //
I been chewed up/// and spit out/// and booed off stage //
But I kept rhymin// and stepwritin/// the next cypher //
Best believe/// somebody's/// payin the pied/// piper//
All the pain// inside// amplified by/// the fact //
That I/// can't get by/// with my 9 to/// 5
And I/// can't //provide the right type of/// life for my family //
Cuz man///, these goddam food stamps ///don't buy diapers ///
And it's no/// movie, ///there's no ///Mekhi Phifer, this is my/// life /
And these times are so/ hard// and it's getting even harder//
Tryin to feed and water my seed, plus ////(这里要一口【kǒu】气【qì】)
See dishonor caught up bein a father// and a// prima donna //
Baby mama ///drama's screamin on///
and Too much for me to wanna /
Stay in one spot//, another jam// or not
Has gotten me// to the point,I'm like a snail (这【zhè】里不停顿连下句)
I've got/// to formulate a plot ////fore I end up in jail ///or shot ///
Success is my only mothafuckin option///, failure's not
Mom, I love you,/// but this trail/// has got/// to go ///
I cannot grow old ///in Salem's lot
So here I go is my shot.///
Feet fail me not/// cuz maybe the only opportunity that I got

You better// lose your//self in the mu///sic, the moment
You own/// it, you better never let it go
You only get one shot, ///do not ///miss your chance to blow ///
This opportunity////comes once//// in a lifetime yo

You can do anything you set your mind to, man

阿姆的lose yourself中英文歌词


《Lose Yourself》

填? ? 词:埃米【mǐ】纳姆,Jeff Bass,Bass Brothers

谱? ? 曲【qǔ】:埃米纳姆【mǔ】,Jeff Bass,Bass Brothers


Look' if you had one shot' one opportunity

瞧着,如果你拥有 一次机会

To seize everything you ever wanted…One moment


Would you capture it or just let it slip?


His palms are sweaty' knees weak' arms are heavy


There's vomit on his sweater already' mom's spaghetti


He's nervous' but on the surface he looks calm and ready


To drop bombs' but he keeps on forgettin

去引爆全场 但他忘记了

What he wrote down' the whole crowd goes so loud

写过的东西 所有人群的起哄声 嘘声是那么的大

He opens his mouth' but the words won'te out


He's chokin' how everybody's jokin now


The clock's run out' time's up over' bloah!


Snap back to reality' Oh there goes gravity


Oh' there goes Rabbit' he choked


He's so mad' but he won't give up that

他很生气 但是他不会放弃

Is he? No


He won't have it ' he knows his whole back city's ropes


It don't matter' he's dope


He knows that' but he's broke


He's so stacked that he knows


When he goes back to his mobile home' that's when it's


Back to the lab again yo


This whole rhapsody


He better go capture this moment and hope it don't pass him


You better lose yourself in the music' the moment


You own it' you better never let it go


You only get one shot' do not miss your chance to blow


This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo


The soul's escaping' through this hole that it's gaping


This world is mine for the taking


Make me king' as we move toward a' new world order

让我为王!让我们共同移向一个 新世界的秩序

A normal life is borin' but superstardom's close to post-mortem


It only grows harder' only grows hotter


He blows us all over these hoes is all on him


Coast to coast shows' he's know as the globetrotter


Lonely roads' God only knows


He's grown farther from home' he's no father


He goes home and barely knows his own daughter


But hold your nose cuz here goes the cold water


His bosses don't want him no mo' he's cold product


They moved on to the next schmoe who flows


He nose dove and sold nada


So the soap opera is told and unfolds


I suppose it's old potna' but the beat goes on


Da da dum da dum da da

哒 哒 咚 嗒 咚 哒 哒 哒 哒..

You better lose yourself in the music' the moment


You own it' you better never let it go


You only get one shot' do not miss your chance to blow


This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo


No more games' I'ma change what you call rage

不再是游戏了,我改变了 就是你们称之为的愤怒

Tear this mothafuckin roof off like 2 dogs caged

我就像两只被关起的狗 掀翻狗笼一样

I was playin in the beginnin' the mood all changed


I been chewed up and spit out and booed off stage


But I kept rhymin and stepwritin the next cypher


Best believe somebody's payin the pied piper


All the pain inside amplified by the fact


That I can't get by with my 9 to 5


And I can't provide the right type of life for my family


Cuz man' these goddam food stamps don't buy diapers

所以说 伙计,这些该死的粮票连尿布都买不起

And it's no movie' there's no Mekhi Phifer' this is my life

然【rán】而这不是电影,这里没有Mekhi Phifer,这【zhè】就【jiù】是我【wǒ】的生活

And these times are so hard and it's getting even harder


Tryin to feed and water my seed' plus


See dishonor caught up bein a father and a prima donna


Baby mama drama's screamin on and

孩子 妈妈 尖声喊叫着

Too much for me to wanna


Stay in one spot' another jam or not


Has gotten me to the point' I'm like a snail


I've got to formulate a plot fore I end up in jail or shot


Success is my only mothafuckin option' failure's not


Mom' I love you' but this trail has got to go


I cannot grow old in Salem's lot


So here I go is my shot.


Feet fail me not cuz maybe the only opportunity that I got

我不能失足【zú】或者失败【bài】 因为也许这是我【wǒ】唯【wéi】一【yī】拥有的 这仅有一次的机【jī】会

You better lose yourself in the music' the moment


You own it' you better never let it go


You only get one shot' do not miss your chance to blow


This opportunityes once in a lifetime yo


You can do anything you set your mind to' man



《Lose Yourself》是美国说唱歌手埃【āi】米纳【nà】姆【mǔ】演唱【chàng】的一【yī】首说【shuō】唱歌曲,由埃米纳姆、Jeff Bass、Bass Brothers共同创作完成。收录【lù】于电影《8英里》的原声带中【zhōng】,作为该电影的片尾曲和主题曲,发布于9-21。?



《Lose yourself》创作【zuò】灵感【gǎn】是来自《8英里》这部影片【piàn】,影片主【zhǔ】要【yào】讲述的是【shì】埃【āi】米纳姆在踏【tà】上说唱界道路上所面对的种种烦恼和【hé】困【kùn】扰,面对这一连串的问【wèn】题与烦【fán】恼,并没【méi】有就此【cǐ】迷失了前【qián】进的方向。埃米纳姆重新振作起来,决定再【zài】一次参【cān】加【jiā】比赛【sài】,当再次面对【duì】上次失败时的旧对手时【shí】,埃米纳姆重新用【yòng】自己的实力击败【bài】了他【tā】们,取得了比赛的冠军,因此创作出了这【zhè】首歌曲【qǔ】。





I yah! 哎呀!

哎呀! 你所属的世界如此美丽
此时你只会去看美丽的一面 藏匿丑陋的那一面
我不想照着这样的生活方式过活 那种不负责的方式 置我于不理
这种日子已经被扔掉很久 很久 很久 很久了
走开 --全都走开--不要说些无智的话来伤害我们
Do you say it, One for the Kid, two for the all.
哪有我们所创造的生活呢? (没有 没有)
他们被孤立、轻视、不被保护 甚至连基本的权力也没有
谁有权利消灭这些孩子们身上尚【shàng】未【wèi】盛【shèng】开的火花 请【qǐng】不要再反覆同样的【de】错【cuò】误
当每个人【rén】都活在【zài】平等之下 不再自【zì】私 了解【jiě】什么才是最重要的事的时候【hòu】
那时 明天才有光芒
Wow--好【hǎo】远的【de】路要走啊--Show shock,turn your neighborhood block,into the battle field
新的世纪将要来临【lín】 no lie 或许我们会被复【fù】制【zhì】 (yo Clon yourself)
echeew - and I'm gonn' catch you ain't no turnin' back you won't be burnin'my kids
Put'em up some dirty cash and a get tripher,
But I'm a Lifer a camouflage cypher from the roof top I might snipe ya.
谁有权利消【xiāo】灭这些孩子【zǐ】们身【shēn】上尚未盛开的火花 请【qǐng】不要【yào】再反覆同样的【de】错误
找回时间藏匿的真实 放弃一切 然后再为我剩下的未来而努力
What ya boys needs I got about the "P" down, straight about the
"P" down make everybody get down say you around prays way in a
days days, ain't that failt in them all with embrace hates.
想要帮助你征服所有的困难 若我们只有爱 那就洒脱的付出吧
想【xiǎng】想我们所追求的【de】理想中是【shì】否有欲望 --就这样支持【chí】到【dào】下一世纪【jì】吧--

标签: #cypher是什么意思_神奇宝贝的cypher歌词