




/cast [modifier:shift,target=player] 援护
/cast [help] 援护; [target=targettarget] 援护【hù】
说明:援护你看的敌方目【mù】标的目标【biāo】(敌【dí】方目【mù】标必【bì】须看的【de】是自己的队友) 也可【kě】以直接【jiē】点你的队友然后点宏这样【yàng】就直接【jiē】援护你的队友【yǒu】 还【hái】可以按【àn】shift+宏 就是援护【hù】你自己 把援护改成牺牲的话就可以做牺牲的【de】宏了 两【liǎng】个【gè】宏也可【kě】以放在一起就是同时援护并【bìng】牺牲
不想按SHIFT 直接援护的话
/cast [target=player] 援护
把技能名字 改成牺牲咆哮就行了..


Script PetAttack() 废了?
看看/petattack {宠物攻击}可以吗?


Pet Orders: Attack, Follow, Stay (宠物【wù】指令【lìng】: 攻击,跟随,停留【liú】)

Pet Stances: Passive, Defensive, Aggressive (宠物状【zhuàng】态: 被动,防御,主动)

Auto-Cast Pet Abilities (宠物自动【dòng】施法开/关)
/petautocaston spell
/petautocastoff spell

Toggle Pet Attack (宠物攻击/不攻击)
/petpassive [target=pettarget,exists]
·If you wish to keep your pet's stance, use /petfollow instead of /petpassive.
(如果你【nǐ】希望宠物和目标【biāo】保持距【jù】离【lí】,使【shǐ】用/petfollow 代替 /petpassive)

Revive, Call, or Mend Pet (一键 复活、召唤、治疗【liáo】宠【chǒng】物)
/cast [target=pet, dead] Revive Pet; [modifier:ctrl] Revive Pet; [nopet] Call Pet; Mend Pet
·The modifier key allows you to hold down Control so this macro will ALWAYS cast Revive Pet. This is to make up for situations where your pet is dead, but not visible.

Feed Multiple Pets (喂多种食物)
#show Roasted Quail
/cast [pet, nocombat] Feed Pet
/use [pet:Cat/Ravager/Wolf, nocombat] Roasted Quail; [pet:Bear/Boar/Wind Serpent, nocombat] Conjured Cinnamon Roll
·The first line forces the macro to display the number of Roasted Quail in your backpack. The /use line will use certain food based on what type of pet you have.
Casting Spells (基本施法宏的模式)
/cast spell (单一技能)
/castrandom spell, spell, spell (随机选取一个【gè】技【jì】能)
/castsequence spell, spell, spell (每次按键,顺序【xù】执行技能)

Using And Equipping Items (使用/装备物品,应该是直接使用物【wù】品名【míng】字)
/use item (直接使用物品)
/equip item (装备物品)
/equipslot slot id item (在指定【dìng】位置【zhì】装备物品【pǐn】)

ADVANCED HUNTER MACROS: (高级【jí】猎人宏命令【lìng】)
Use Bandage On Target Or Self (绷带别人/自己)
/use [help] Heavy Runecloth Bandage; [target=player] Heavy Runecloth Bandage

Switch Between Two Aspects (两种守【shǒu】护切换)
/castsequence Aspect of the Hawk, Aspect of the Monkey
·This works the same for Tracking abilities.

Cast Spells Based On Modifier Keys (根据是【shì】否按了特殊【shū】按键来释【shì】放不同技能【néng】)
/cast [nomodifier] Aspect of the Hawk (没有特殊键:释放鹰【yīng】守)
/cast [modifier:ctrl] Aspect of the Monkey (按下ctrl:猴守【shǒu】)
/cast [modifier:alt] Aspect of the Cheetah (按下alt:豹守)

Cast Spells Based On The Mouse Button Used (根据按【àn】鼠标不同按【àn】钮来释放不同【tóng】技能)
/cast [button:1] Aspect of the Hawk (左键:释放鹰【yīng】守)
/cast [button:2] Aspect of the Monkey (2,不清楚是那个【gè】键,可能是右【yòu】键:猴【hóu】守)
/cast [button:4] Aspect of the Cheetah (4,中键?:豹守)
·By default, using a keybind counts as mouse button 1 (left click).
缺省的是左键 1

Kill Command (杀戮指令)
/cast [exists,target=pettarget] Kill Command
·Makes sure that you cast Kill Command on your pet's target. Otherwise, the spell will go to waste.
(确保你的目标也是【shì】宠物的目标,否则就【jiù】浪费了: 奇怪,这也【yě】要【yào】宏?)

Solo Farming (种田用的宏)
#show Auto Shot
/targetenemy [noharm]
/stopmacro [noharm]
/cast Hunter's Mark
·With one button press, this will target a nearby enemy if one isn't already selected, send your pet on it, cast Hunter's Mark, and then turn on auto attack / auto shot.

Smart Ammo (弹药管理)
#show Steady Shot
/equip Sharp Arrow
/cast Steady Shot
/equip Wicked Arrow
·Use cheaper arrows for attacks that do not make use of their bonus damage.

Misdirection On Predefined Targets (自【zì】动找目标来嫁祸【huò】)
/cast [target=focus, help] Misdirection; [help] Misdirection; [target=pet, exists] Misdirection
·This will attempt to cast Misdirection on the first of three targets. First, on your /focus unit if it is friendly. Second, on your current target if it is friendly. Third, on your pet if it is out.
(试图【tú】自动【dòng】选择嫁祸的目标:1 你foucus的目标?等下查【chá】查到【dào】底是什么, 2 你的目标,如【rú】果【guǒ】他是友方的话【huà】。 3 你的宠【chǒng】物,如果你【nǐ】有的话)

Example Of Using Mass Cooldowns And Trinkets (N开宏)
/cast Beastial Wrath (兽王狂野)
/cast Rapid Fire (速射)
/use Devilsaur Eye (魔龙【lóng】眼:职业【yè】任务奖励)
/cast Intimidation (胁迫)

Renataki's Charm Macro (野【yě】兽护符的【de】宏)
/castsequence reset=3 Arcane Shot, Multi-Shot, Renataki's Charm of Beasts
·This macro will cycle through Arcane Shot, then Multi-Shot, and then use the trinket. If the trinket is on cooldown, the macro will halt. Simply wait 3 seconds and it will go back to Auto Shot.
这【zhè】个宏【hóng】顺【shùn】序执【zhí】行 奥射,多重, 开护符。 再按下去就重复执行【háng】一次”


/cast [modifier:alt,target=player][help][target=targettarget,help]援护
/cast [modifier:alt,target=player][help][target=targettarget,help]牺【xī】牲咆哮【xiāo】

不过不想那么麻烦 就简单点
/cast [target=xxx]援护
/cast [target=xxx]牺牲咆哮


标签: #魔兽世界猎人bb宏_猎人宠物跟随宏